Gabe Fett

The original line art for this one was done by Mike "Gabe" Krahulik from Penny-Arcade. You can find Mike's blog on my links and I suggest you take a look at it for some great videos and art. I really liked his take on Boba Fett so I decided to color it. I can't say I'm completely satisfied with the result; I think I played it too conservatively. I did try a few new things like the paint chips on his armor and pads, I really like the way those came out (Plus, I did them entirely by hand, not using filters).
Lately I have been creating a clipping mask on top of my colors and shading there instead. That way I can erase whenever I mess up. The disadvantage is that I can't do mild dodge and burns after the colors are done because they only apply to either the clipping mask or the flats. After a couple of drawings done this way I have decided to go back to coloring directly on the flats layer. What I'll do from now one (Other than using snapshots) is make a group "folder" and put a copy of all the flat colored layers in there before rendering on the originals.
Yea, saw this in Gabe's blog.
A-mazing. I need to stop sucking @ art and get good already.
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